How to save Income Tax in India

06 Dec 2021   By : Admin

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Are you someone who loves Bollywood a lot? Do you also find Bollywood life glamorous? The life of celebrities always seems so exciting and full of glamour. Whether it comes to clothes, travel, or lifestyle, they are always ahead. You must be knowing that these actors are always paid a jaw-dropping, hefty payment for everything they do, whether it's movies, song albums, advertisements, or performances.

But, people are usually so blinded by this glamorous show, that they often forget that if the income is high, the income tax will also be high. 

Not only is the income of Bollywood stars whooping high, but the income tax amount is also quite pompous. You must have heard in the news 'Akshay Kumar pays highest income tax this year', 'Massive tax amounts worth crores paid by film stars this year'. Well, Income Tax is a word, which always hits hard on the taxpayers. 

However, these amounts are always slashed with the help of income tax saving techniques. Do you know these techniques? If not, no worries! Let's understand everything bit by bit.